The Leadership Academy for Mining is an initiative of the North-West University Business School and offers leadership programmes in collaboration with thinking fusion AFRICA to the mining sector.

Programmes are offered to management teams, managers (senior and middle), specialists, new entrant managers, supervisors and community leaders. Self-leadership development programmes are presented to graduates, bursars, interns and the youth within communities.

These are in-house as well as public programmes. There are also programmes with a special focus on the development of women in mining.

thinking fusion AFRICA has a track record of 18 years in the mining sector. It trained more than 7500 people in over 80 organisations including mining, agriculture, construction, finance, government and ICT.





Value Proposition

Larger Mining Houses

  • In-house programmes: Full range of programmes to own teams and employees as well as to community leaders and the youth.
  • Public programmes: Programmes across commodities and the mining sector value chain to stimulate cross-boundary learning.

Smaller Mining Companies and Mining Sector Value Chain

  • Public programmes: Programmes for like-size mining companies and value chain partners for joint learning and development.

Women-only Focus

  • In-house: Programmes exclusively for female leaders to embed learning and accelerate progression.
  • Public programmes: Women from across the mining sector and value chain to share the learning opportunity, learn from, and support one another.

Programme Focus

Differentiating Features

  1. Academic integrity, University certification
  2. Science-based current content, constantly updated
  3. Practical and immediate application
  4. Customised and blended learning delivery
  5. Individual assessments and diagnostics in all programmes
  6. Extensive delivery experience and customisation in mining sector
  7. Special focus on women in mining


Women Who Lead

Designed for:

Women in Senior Management, Middle Management and Specialist roles in the full value chain of the mining sector


Equips women-leaders to find their voice, be brave, remain real and have significance.

They will lead, think and behave differently to have a profound impact in their teams and organisations.

Applied leadership learning programme specifically designed for women who lead.

Challenging, sophisticated and extensive developmental experience at a full professional level in respect of leadership theory and practice.

Differentiated by integrating research-based content relevant to women-leaders, the insights of women and the realities faced by women in organisations.

Challenges are highlighted, solutions are proposed to stimulate debate and ensuring empowerment beyond stereotypes.

Quality assured by NWU Business School.

The programme is quality assured by:

Personal Benefits

A unique angle on how women might respond, behave, experience a challenge and relate to others

Development of life-long leadership skill

Immediate application in leadership roles

Diagnostics and practical tools that may be used afterwards

Personal discovery and development

Development of systems thinking skill

Forging of strong support networks and sounding boards

Sharing of examples and experiences from the mining sector

Organisational Benefits

Noticeable impact on leadership culture (mainly in-house)

Effective leadership and positive relationships (mainly in-house)

Complex leadership problem project proposals

Current applied leadership theory and practice

Positive impact on organisational culture

Positive support of employment equity and female empowerment

Female talent attraction once known as an organisation with a female focus (mainly in-house)

Building of Women in Mining leadership bench strength (mainly in-house)

Duration: 12 days in 6 two-day sessions

Leadership in the Connection Economy

Designed for:

Senior and Middle Managers


Leaders in communities

… from the full value chain in the mining sector


Exclusive leadership focus, unique in design and implementation.

Equips leaders to lead, think and behave differently to make a profound difference in their teams and in their organisations.

Science-based content, intense learning experience, leadership skill developed of practical value.

Challenging, sophisticated and an extensive developmental             experience at a full professional level in respect of leadership theory and practice.

It culminates in a presentation made to the senior management on a project based on systems thinking.

Quality assured by NWU Business School.

Duration: 12 days in 6 two-day sessions or 4 three-day sessions.

Personal Benefits

Development of life-long leadership skill

International content from recognised sources

Immediate application in leadership roles

Diagnostics and practical tools that may be used afterwards

Personal discovery and development

Development of systems thinking skill

Mining sector leadership challenges based on experience in this sector

Organisational Benefits

Noticeable impact on leadership culture (mainly in-house)

Effective leadership and positive relationships (mainly in-house)

Complex leadership problem project proposals

Current applied leadership theory and practice

Exceptional impact on team performance when attended by teams

Essential Leadership Insight

Designed for:




Entry level managers.


An intensive programme that builds confidence in participants at a personal and leadership level.

Build core leadership knowledge and self-knowledge to commit to focused personal and leadership skill development.

A high-paced programme, participative and activity-based.

Culminates in a personal and leadership development plan.

Quality assured by NWU Business School.

Duration: 6 days in 3 two-day sessions.

Personal Benefits

Deep personal discovery

Credible development plan based on sound insights, reflection and practical actions

Commitment of direct manager to development

Leading with confidence

Use of practical tools after completion

Improved relationships

Organisational Benefits

Effective leadership and positive relationships

Leader with commitment to own development in partnership with direct manager

Current applied leadership theory and practice

Exceptional impact on team performance when attended by teams


Designed for:

Managers, Specialists, Emerging Leaders

Supervisors (Production and Administrative)

Technicians, Personal Assistants and Secretaries

It is also designed for natural teams


Exclusive self-leadership focus, deepens self-discovery and self-mastery.

Intense personal experience.

Leads to redefining self at work and personal life.

Supported by clear development plans.

Life-changing personal impact, builds trust in teams at work.

Quality assured by NWU Business School.

Duration: 6 days in 3 two-day sessions.

Personal Benefits

Self-mastery in personal and work life

Practical tools and content for life-long learning

Development plan in partnership with leader

High-performance individual development supported by leader

Organisational Benefits

Noticeable improvement in motivation and accountability

New and stronger internal networks

Self-ownership for development in current role

Less dependence on manager for performance

Significant improvement in team cohesion and trust levels (when attended by teams)



To prepare a young person for the launch into the world of work by growing inner strength and skills for personal differentiation.

Designed for:






…Anyone 18-30 years old

How will you grow?

Know and understand others better

Understand workplace expectations and behave appropriately

Develop emotional intelligence

Become strong through vulnerability

Optimise communication skills

Develop sound relationships

Develop personal power

Duration: 4 consecutive days.

What will you experience?

Learn, play, laugh, discover, apply, practice, know and do

Learn from self as one among others

Undertake uncomfortable self-discovery

Practice-by-doing during and after sessions

Capture learning on ME&U

Challenge and be challenged

Formulate thinking

Let's Go!


Then LET’S GO! on an exciting journey of self-discovery to master self-development with new skills and understand your individualism, your awesomeness and the greatness that awaits you.  

Design your personal brand by which to live. Place yourself squarely on the winning path.

Designed for:






…Anyone 15-30 years old

How will you grow?

Know and understand yourself better

Develop personal leadership as a life skill

Develop your personal brand

Know your life purpose

Have fun, learn and discover

Make new friends

Be a new, better you

ME2B: My New Personal Brand

What will you experience?

Exciting discovery tools

Creative designs

Fun activities

Colourful material

Interesting learning sessions

Life skills

Content that you will use forever

Duration: 4 consecutive days.




Leadership Development Programmes (Participants)

Self-Leadership (Participants)

Launchpad (Participants)

Let’s Go (Participants)





Total number of Women Participants

TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (all thinking fusion AFRICA programmes and processes)



Mining Clients

  • African Rainbow Minerals Ltd (ARM)
  • Anglo American: Kumba Iron Ore Ltd
  • Anglo American: Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd
  • Assore Ltd
  • Exxaro Resources Limited
  • Fraser Alexander (Pty) Ltd
  • Hitachi Construction Machinery Southern Africa Co. Ltd (HCS)
  • Rio Tinto: Richards Bay Minerals (RBM)

The above reflects clients to whom the programmes in the Academy have previously been presented by NWU Business School and/or thinking fusion AFRICA.

Public Programme Dates

All programmes are delivered in a customised, client-agreed, blended format which include face-to-face sessions, virtual sessions, self-study supported by reading and videos, self-evaluation tools, small-group sessions and reflection frameworks.

Contact Us

Prof René Uys (Professor of Leadership Practice – NWU Business School, Director- thinking fusion AFRICA) 082 888 9702,

Motshoanetsi Lefoka (Director) 073 634 4098,

Madelaine Posthumus (Operations Executive) 083 231 0048,

Block 3, Unit 11

Bergzicht Office Park

Cnr Christaan de Wet & Rooibok Streets

Allen’s Nek



Republic of South Africa


+27 11 955 1003